The word ‘diabetes’ is no longer a foreign term. Most people know at least one person who has been diagnosed with the condition.

Being diagnosed with diabetes can feel overwhelming. An important first step is to realise that you can live a happy and healthy life by empowering yourself with a clear understanding of the disease. This will support you in making informed and educated decisions regarding your lifestyle choices and allow you to manage diabetes with confidence.

Distinguishing fact from fiction and dispelling commonly held diabetes myths, will help you stay ahead.

Myth 1: Skipping Meals Helps to Control My Blood Sugar Level

This may sound logical, however skipping meals could cause an adverse effect and result in greater fluctuations in your blood sugar level[3]. A clinical trial found that people with diabetes who skipped breakfast experienced a 37 percent increase in their blood sugar level during their lunch hour as compared to days when they consumed breakfast[3].

Don’t skip meals, spread your meals throughout the day and consider balancing your blood sugar level with a specially formulated complete nutritional solution with low glycaemic index[3].


Myth 2: Carbohydrate Counting is Not Important

False. Carbohydrates have an effect on your blood sugar level and are one of the core nutrients found in the food and drink we consume each day[6]. Carbohydrate counting is a meal planning method for managing your blood sugar level.

Carb counting as it is often known, ensures you keep track of your daily carbohydrate intake and supports you in managing your blood sugar level more efficiently[4].

Your recommended daily carbohydrate intake depends on numerous factors, these include your level of daily physical activity and what, if any, medicines you take. Some people are active and can afford a higher carbohydrate intake, others must consume less to balance their blood sugar level.

Myth 3: Low-Carbohydrate Diets are Good for People with Diabetes

False. Low-carb diets tend to be higher in fat. Following a high-fat diet over a long period of time can be taxing on the heart. People with diabetes are already at risk of heart disease and this may exasperate the condition.

Carbohydrates are important sources of energy. Rather than avoiding carbohydrates, eat a selection of healthy carbs and in the right amount to help with diabetes management. Healthy carbs are carbohydrates that are rich in fibre and contain 100% whole grains.


Myth 4: Diabetics Can only Eat Bland Food

A person with diabetes need not forgo the foods they love nor live a life eating bland and flavourless food. Feel rest assured that you in most cases you are able to enjoy the food you love, just be conscious that like with most things in life, moderation is key[5].

Ensure that your diet contains a variety of nutritious food sources while maintaining a low or reduced sugar intake. Introduce a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy, and fibre in appropriate portions into your daily diet. If in doubt, seek advice from a healthcare professional to craft a personalised food plan.

Don’t forget, be creative and have fun by creating nutritious meals that are suitable for you and your family.


If you’re worried that you may not be receiving enough nutrition from your current meal plan, consider supplementing it with a specialised diabetes nutritional beverage. Specialised diabetes nutritional beverage are a great source of nourishment, as they provide the right balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins while offering a slow-release of energy to balance blood sugar. They can even be enjoyed as a meal replacement.

NUTREN DIABETES, a sucrose, lactose and frutose free, clinically proven complete and balanced nutritious beverage for people with diabetes. Formulated in accordance to the International Diabetes Guidelines, NUTREN DIABETES meets the latest American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommendations.

NUTREN DIABETES has a low GI and contains whey protein and a unique fibre blend to help you stay in control and energised for the day. NUTREN DIABETES, Together We Take Charge.

[1] Malaysia (n.d.). In International Diabetes Federation. Retrieved October 7, 2016, from

[1] Malaysia (n.d.). In International Diabetes Federation. Retrieved October 7, 2016, from

[2] National Health & Morbidity Survey 2015- Non Communicable Diseases, Risk  Factors & other Health Problems Volume II, pg 14

[3] Gordon, S. (n.d.). Skipping Breakfast Bad Idea for Type 2 Diabetics. In WebMD. Retrieved October 7, 2016, from

[4] Carbohydrate Counting and Diabetes (n.d.). In National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Retrieved October 7, 2016, from

[5] Diabetic Food: Debunking Myths (n.d.). In BistroMD. Retrieved October 7, 2016, from

[6] Guide to HbA1c (n.d.). In Diabetes.Co.UK. Retrieved October 7, 2016. Retrieved from

